Directions to Pagalván

Directions to Pagalván

A) From Malaga Airport

Leaving the airport, follow signs for "Malaga" (i.e.heading east and away from Algeciras) on the MA-21 (formerlyN-340).

About 2 kilometers after joining the MA-21 you will see an overhead blue gantry indicating the MA-20 to "Antequera" & "Motril". Exit to the right here.

Stay on the MA-20, ("Ronda de Malaga" = "Malaga bypass,") passing the city of Malaga on your right, until at Km.241, you see another blue overhead sign indicating an exit to the right for "Cordoba, Granada, Sevilla". (A-45/N-331)

Take this exit, sweeping under the A-7/E-15, and heading north on the A-45.

After just 1 kilometer, at Km. 140, you will see on your right a "Repsol " filling station. Immediately after this - about 300 metres- turn off at the sign indicating "Pantano del Agujero" & "La Concepcion".

Cross under the A-45.

You come to a mini roundabout. Take the first exit and the same again at the next mini roundabout just 100 metres later.

Follow the winding country road uphill, with the riverbed on your right.

You will go through two short tunnels. At the second is the famous "Venta el Tunel". (This is known to everyone in Malaga: ask for it if ever you get lost.)

The finca is 1.9 kilometres past the “Venta el Tunel”, just before the "Asociación Cultural de Verdiales" (Venta Casa Alvaro)". As we go up the path just after the garbage containers on the left, we will go up the Camino lo Galván to the top where we will find a mountain in front of us, we must take the path on the right and at the top on the left we will find the gate of home.

B) From the north

From both Sevilla and Granada, take the A-92. Malaga is clearly indicated (- coming from Granada, the exit is after Loja).

Coming from the north on the A-92 there is a choice of two approach roads to Malaga, the A-46 (a "Peaje" or toll road) and the A-45. BE SURE TO TAKE THE A-45. Here are instructions for the last 4 km. The area is called Pantano del Agujero.

If you accidentally take the wrong road, the A-46, continue down to Exit 24A, then turn east towards "E15/A-7 Malaga este/ Almeria". This will bring you back to the A-45 heading north. After joining this, follow the last section as if coming from the airport, i.e. turn off immediately after the Repsol station.

Approaching Malaga turn off the A-45 at the Km.140 marker, (just after a well indicated "rest area").

You come to a mini roundabout. Take the first exit and the same again at the next mini roundabout just 100 metres later.

Follow the winding country road uphill, with the riverbed on your right.

You will go through two short tunnels. At the second is the famous "Venta el Tunel". (This is known to everyone in Malaga : ask for it if ever you get lost).

The finca is 1.9 kilometres past the “Venta el Tunel”, just before the "Asociación Cultural de Verdiales" (Venta Casa Alvaro)". As we go up the path just after the garbage containers on the left, we will go up the Camino lo Galván to the top where we will find a mountain in front of us, we must take the path on the right and at the top on the left we will find the gate of home.